
An energetic, motivating and powerful upbeat pop track. This modern sounding pop track starts with a cool intro before exploding into the chorus with powerful drums and soaring synths singing the main melody. The verse has a nice funky groove featuring an electric bass and slightly distorted electric guitars along with synths and electric and acoustic drums. It also includes a vibey build up before the last chorus kicks in.
充满活力,激励,大气,愉快的流行音乐。这首现代化流行音乐曲目以酷炫的前奏为起始,然后通过大气的鼓声和飙升的合成器引出主旋律而爆发出合唱。 在verse部分有一段漂亮的时尚律动,以电贝斯和失真电吉他以及合成器,电子鼓和原声鼓为特色。

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类别 ,
时长 192
BPM 126
循环 No